Reason 1 : The fellow that runs it, David Heyman is a great guy, a good writer, a scholar, and a hell of a fisherman.
Reason 2 : The reason you read my blog is probably to look at some photographs, get fishing reports, and get informed about Great Lakes Fishing opportunities. The trout bum does the same, but in different specialties.
Reason 3 : I'm an aspiring fly fisherman and have learned from reading the blog, which specializes in trout fishing fortuities in the greater Chicago region, specifically the drift-less area in Wisconsin.
Lastly, I consider The Great Lakes Angler and The Chicago Trout Bum's relationship as a sort of partnership, through his blog, readers find mine, and through mine, his in turn. David works at a local fly shop in Chicago and is the man to go to when it comes to tying flies, buying rods, or just plain figuring out what a roll cast is.
Please check out his blog, you'll be glad you did.
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